Tuesday 24 May 2011


I am setting up this blog to remind myself that the world is huge, that there is something exciting in every corner waiting for us to discover and time runs out fast.

I love to eat. I will travel long distances in search of good food and if it's cheap, all the better! I believe that nice places must be shared so I look forward to doing that here. I love to read and if I come across something worth the time and effort to squint in the nights after work, I will post it here as well. I started running weekly since university started and I've kept up with that habit since. I'm quite a health freak so I might post some tips about my weekly workouts too. As for traveling, I believe it opens our eyes to many new and different experiences and it's definitely useful to know that the world is big and we should stop being holed up in our small mere existence.

Last but not least, I want this blog to remind myself that while big things happen in cities, meaningful things happen everywhere.

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